What Teachers of African American Students have been Asking for!
A Repository–a Constantly-Growing Video Collection of Practical Step-by-Step
Original CULTURE CENTERED Teaching Strategies of Highly Successful Teachers of African American Students.
— Phonics, Vocabulary, Writing, Reading Comprehension —
How do these teachers plan and teach so that their students perform on grade level and above? What are their “Secrets for Success—the “Finer Points” of their practice?
“I am inspired by your work. I tell everyone about you! My students should write you super thank you notes!” Teacher, Albany, NY
——Read many more testimonials
after the video below.——
Join Miss Augusta’s Touching the Spirit
Video Collection Channel for only $6 per month:
Watch the brief video below on Phonic Pattern Hopscotch, then go to the site map to see more examples. To join the movement with successful teachers join the collection that is housed on Patreon for all educators.
This collection is grounded in the hundreds of teaching strategies, materials, and other cultural resources of master teacher, Augusta Mann, “Miss Augusta”, and her research-based African American modality, Touching the Spirit™. In addition to her work, Miss Augusta is currently organizing the inclusion of the work of fellow successful teachers.
“We collaborate and implement all of Augusta Mann’s strategies.
Why? Two words: They work!”
A Team of 5th Grade Teachers, Minneapolis, MN“Most meaningful was Augusta Mann’s session—the actual practice we got to do was very helpful.”
Teacher, Albany, NY“Augusta Mann is a master teacher and a master teacher educator.”
Dr. Asa G. Hilliard III, (1933-2007), Educator and Author, Fuller E. Calloway Professor of Urban Education, Georgia State University“I love your ideas. I want you to come and stay with me for at least 6 months.”
Teacher, Cincinnati, OH“Your wisdom and warmth are inspiring. Thank you dear teacher!
Teacher, Detroit, MI”National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc, Tau Chapter, Excellence In Education Award. Click on image to enlarge.
“I am a first grade teacher in my first year of teaching and I was making slow progress with many of my low-achieving students. After I received Augusta Mann’s video and guidebook and phonics posters and attended her workshops, I used her program in my classroom. l now I have no possible retainees. I have nine students who can read at a 2nd and 3rd grade level.”
First Year Teacher, Indianapolis, IN“Excellent. Please come back every school year!”
Teacher Assistant, Detroit, MI“Augusta, Wow! Your website is the balm for all that ills the teacher’s African American students. We know if we can teach them, they can learn. OABE and Culture Intervention is excited about your presentation, Thursday. Can’t wait.”
Nabeehah“Did the workshop meet your expectations?
Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you very much!”
Teacher, Detroit, MI“The presenter was extremely well prepared! I want to be like that.
I can use a lot of these ideas immediately!”
Teacher, Detroit, MI“A special education student at another school in the district was introduced to the Augusta Mann reading program in first grade. She continued to use the program with her second grade teacher. Her success was great and she has tested out of special education. We feel that the consistency of using this program from year to year has improved her reading ability and was one of the keys to her success.”
Jackie Cole, Special Education, Indianapolis, IN“The workshop provided immediate methods that I am sure will produce measurable results.”
Teacher, Bridgeport, CT“We collaborate and implement all of Augusta Mann’s teaching strategies. Why? Two words: They work!”
Elementary School Teachers, Albany, New York“Excellent visuals and so well thought out and prepared. Credible. Excellent with video, music, etc. and the love of culture.”
Outreach Teacher, San Francisco, CA“I have tried many of Ms. Mann’s activities. I love how, over time, all these practices fit together to produce an enormously successful platform for my curriculum. Over the past three years I have grown as a professional. But better still, my students are having the reading success that had been so elusive to them.”
Teacher, 3rd Grade Indianapolis, IN
Watch and listen to the video above, then go to the Patreon page #61: U.S. Constitution Part 3 Accelerating the Mastery of Vocabulary and Background Knowledge. After viewing and trying out, “Miss Augusta’s Collection on Patreon” to get further details to join for nearly 100 more videos.

Thank you from Indianapolis Public School #94. Old fashioned pointer that Augusta used. Click on image to enlarge.
“I really enjoy watching Augusta model the lessons—she’s very entertaining and inspiring.”
Teacher, Albany, NY“The handouts and visual aids really helped clarify the information.”
Teacher Assistant, Detroit, MI“Your wisdom and warmth are inspiring. Thank you.”
Teacher, San Francisco, CAThe charts above are some of the materials for “Synonym Triplets” and “Dancing Definitions”, two of the many teaching strategies that are in “Miss Augusta’s Collection”.
“Your methods are awesome. I have gone to a lot of workshops, but what they are presenting doesn’t apply to our children. You have a handle on what children in our school need. My kindergartners learned the alphabet quickly using the method that you demonstrated. Your methods work for my students.”
Kindergarten Teacher, Indianapolis, IN“Augusta is not ambiguous about anything. You get precision with her. I like the way she reminded us again that children need repetition and modeling.”
Teacher, Indianapolis, IN“I really enjoy watching Augusta model the lessons—she’s very entertaining and inspiring.”
Teacher, Albany, NY“I am inspired by your work. I tell everyone about you! My students should write you super thank you notes!”
Teacher, Albany, NY
Go to the menu bar above and click on “Miss Augusta’s Collection on Patreon” and get details on joining her Patreon community of fans. Learn how you can join her fans who support her creative work and how in turn she shares with them her ever-growing video library representing her life’s work. See an overview and access all of Miss Augusta’s Collection from the Patreon Subscriber’s Site Map that categorizes Miss Augusta’s Collection with direct links.
Augusta Mann’s Highly Recurring Phonics Elements Chart seen at the right can be downloaded in letter size as a PDF file for free. The Highly Recurring Phonics Chart can also be ordered in large poster size — go the Bookstore Page on this website.
The brief Miss Augusta’s Collection video below provides context for understanding Augusta’s expertise and her passion and belief in success for all students.
Watch and listen to the video above, then go to the Patreon page #57: Phonic Pattern Word Lists for Teachers and Parents Part 1. After viewing and trying out, “Miss Augusta’s Collection on Patreon” to get further details to join for nearly 100 more videos.
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Join Augusta’s Patreon Community to help get “Miss Augusta’s Collection” solidly off the ground and running!