- Five teachers interact with Augusta Mann
- Lively demonstration of 10 original instructional strategies
Includes 2 strategies for vocabulary and 8 strategies for decoding and fluency
- Lively demonstration of 10 original instructional strategies
- Unique touching the spirit framework for incorporating culture in education
- 102-page step-by-step teaching guide
- Summaries of teaching strategies demonstrated on the DVD
- Tips for classroom implementation
- Scenes of successful classrooms
- Appendix of word lists and other references
- Highly Recurring Phonic Elements Poster (28” x 40”)
- Consonant Sound Recitation Chart
(19.5” x 29.5”)
Purchase Phonics and Vocabulary Building Module
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Complete Module
DVD, Guidebook, Highly Recurring Phonic Elements Poster and Consonant Sound Recitation Chart
$37.95- Package 1
DVD and Guidebook
$16.95 - Package 2
DVD, Guidebook and Highly Recurring Phonic Elements Poster
$28.95 - Guidebook
Note: Guidebook is designed and written to be used in conjunction with DVD - DVD
- Highly Recurring Phonic Elements Poster
$11.95 - Consonant Sound Recitation Chart
$8.95 - Highly Recurring Phonic Elements Miniature Student Desk Posters
Package of 32